Box 7
Contains 14 Results:
Correspondence, 1843
Correspondents include: Thomas W. Shannon, postmaster (attached is postage bill for one quarter); A.B. Thompson (Washington DC); William Owen (St. Andrews, N.B., Canada); J.C. Haynes (Bangor); O.P. Shepard (Post Office, Bangor); and R. Williams (Senate chamber).
Correspondence, 1843
Correspondence, 1843
Correspondents include: P.C. Johnson (Augusta); R.P. Dunlap (Brunswick); A. Nourse (Hallowell); General Sewall (Bath); John Anderson (Portland); Henry Simpson, James Magee, and Charles Hagner (Philadelphia, Penn.); Charles Cogswell (So. Berwick); and Augustine Haines (Portland).
Correspondence, 1843
Correspondents include: B.F. Tefft (East Poland); James H. Gower (Cedar River, Ia.); G.W. Durell (Brunswick); Charles Manly (Boston, Mass., and Washington DC); Charles Bradbury (Kennebunkport); M. Emery (Saco); Augustine Haines (Portland); Lauriston Ward (Saco); and Nicholas Emery (Portland). Also includes Remonstance vs. Edwin Wilbur (Newport, RI).
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondents include: E.L.J. Neally (Bath); John D. Richards (Ellsworth); Henry E. Riell (New York); John G. Bowen (Mount Desert); A. Nourse (Philadelphia, Penn.); B.B. Leavitt (Eastport); M. Hawks (Eastport); Charles Webb (New York); Hiram Chapman (Nobleboro); and C.R Williams (Providence, RI). Also includes depositions of Joshua Lewis and John Talpey.
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondence, 1844
Correspondents include: John F. Scammon (Saco); John W. Brown (Newburgh, NY); Samuel Cony (Old Town); Barnabus Palmer (Kennebunk); Joseph Howard (Portland); R. Williams (Augusta); L.J. Ham (Newfield); Eliphalet Case (Portland); C.D. Maynard (Portland); G.B. Barrows (Fryeburg); Nathan Clifford (Newfield); Wildes P. Walker (Boston, Mass.); J.A. Deane (Ellsworth); John L. Hayes and Alfred M. Beck (Portsmouth, NH); and Gen. Sec. C. Briss, A.M.A. (Boston, Mass.).